Monday, May 2, 2011


Motivation Is...

     ...making sure my family is taken care of.
     ...the wanting and needing to find ways to buy homes, cars and clothes.
     ...having the ambition you need in order to go for what you want out of life.

Motivation Is...

     ...having the insight of what it takes to achieve your goals.
     ...the ability to knock down walls and remove obstacles, no matter how many are in your way;
        because your objective is not failure.
     ...having the money for you and the people around you so no one has to starve or suffer.

Motivation Is...

     ...whatever inspires you to win at the game of life, so one day you can say "Victory".
     ...being thoughtful and kind to others; it'll encourage them to do better in life, achieve their goals and
        become successful.
     ...something we all need.

What does "motivation" mean to you?
     What "motivates" you?

1 comment:

  1. This was very interesting. I am feeling so down and out right now. But somehow this article on motivation has uplifted me a little bit. Glad you wrote this. Hope it will encourage others. Motivation to me, means to inspire or be inspired. It's hard to say what motivates me on the regular. But for now, your article on motivation has inspired me. Thanks.
