Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Phenomenal Woman

Warm you when you are cold...
Run you bath water when you are sore...
Feed you when you are hungry..
Laugh while you are laughing...
Cry when you are hurting...
Nurse you when you are sick...
Kisses you even with your morning breath...
Washes your dirty clothes...
Listens when you talk...
Corrects you when you are wrong...
Agrees when you are right...
Stands by you rich or poor...


Saturday, April 23, 2011

This Is For The Ladies: Gorgeous-Part III

A woman that stands up for what she believes in...
A woman that fights for what she loves...
A woman that can admit when she is wrong...
A woman that knows she is beautiful...
A woman that's grateful...
A woman that remains sexy morning, noon and night...
A woman that smells good all of the time...
A woman that speaks her mind...
A woman that is kind...
A woman that is thick...
A woman that is outstanding...
A woman that is out-of-sight...
A woman that is always herself...
A woman that has brains, beauty and booty...

That's What A Gorgeous Woman Is 2 Me!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We All Need A Financial Breakthrough

Life is hard. Unemployment is high. Gas prices are sky-rocketing. Grocery prices are going up and getting less food for the cost. With no job, the bills can't get paid. With no money for gas (due to no job) you can't go out job hunting or go on job interviews. With no money you can't buy the food you want because it costs too much.

We're always having to sacrifice any extras, like going out to eat, going to the club and even buying a bag of chips or cookies for a snack. Sacrificing is hard to do but in today's recession it has become a necessity. So, I checked out a site called I read several prayers for financial stability. Here is a prayer inspired by those on the site. I wanted to share it with you.

    " Dear God,
              I come to You with a troubled heart. I pray that you hear my prayers and offer Your guidance. My spirit is full but due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, my pockets are empty. My finances are in trouble and aren't getting any better. Please uplift my heart so I may be blessed with more prosperity and hope for success. I will always remember Your love for me and that You will sustain me and my faith in You. Thank You God. Amen"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Is For The Ladies: INDEPENDENT-Part II

I asked where all the beautiful ladies were. Now I want to know where all of the Independent women are? An independent woman is not just someone who has a career, a car, her own money and or her own house. A Complete Independent Woman is someone who encompasses the following:


The independent woman I am looking for is herself at all times. She has the natural ability to be the best at everything she tries to accomplish. She fights for what is right and protects her own. She knows that patience is a virtue. Anything worth having is worth working and waiting for. Her niceness and level of excitement she brings when she enters the world makes her a delightful person to be around. Her inner beauty is so strong that she brightens the room.

She's an excellent listener and provider for her family. Words like tremendous and incredible are used to describe her ability to survive. An independent woman always seems to find the courage, the strength and the faith to pull through any situation. All of these qualities put together make an independent woman walk and talk with elegance. This in turn makes her desirable mentally, physically and emotionally. Women who fight for their career, friends, family, survival and success deserve more than an applause. They deserve to be recognized and remembered for their accomplishments.

Don't get me wrong, independent women are not perfect. They do make mistakes. It's the ability to learn from those mistakes and the ability to continue to push forward is what makes an independent woman worth remembering. It's because of her strengths, weaknesses, successes and failures that make her and her life special and notable. If you are an independent woman, give yourself an applause, a pat on the back and a standing ovation!! You deserve to be recognized and appreciated for the woman that you are and will continue to be!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

This Is For The Ladies: BEAUTIFUL- Part I

Where are all of the beautiful ladies? And I'm not talking about the ones that society consider beautiful...105 pounds, too much make-up, long hair, expensive clothes and suburbia attitudes. I'm looking for the Total Beautiful Woman. She will encompass all of the following attributes:


The women I am looking for have a personality that makes her undeniablly beautiful inside and out. See, the beauty she portrays is not a look, it's a feature that comes from within. Her natural ability to be thoughtful and loving comes from the heart. She's awesome and friendly not because she wants something in return but because she cares about everyone elses needs. She has an understsnding about life that shows everybody that life is not just about her.

The women I am looking for are working or going to school. She gives advice based off of true-life experiences. The knowledge(brains) she has allows her to make smart choices regarding family, friends, career and survival. All of these qualities make her an exceptional, independent and unforgettable woman. The true beautiful woman not only has the above mentioned qualities but loves herself so much that she doesn't care what society thinks about her.

She is so comfortable with her hair, her weight, the neighborhood she came from and the clothes she wears. For the women out there that don't feel beautiful and don't love themselves, I hope this series will help you reflect and possibily help you make some positive changes in your life. And for the women out there that know they are beautiful inside and out, pass this on to all the women you know just as a reminder on how to be and stay Truly Beautiful!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Hustle Series: Part II

Are you still focusing on the word hustle as something illegal? I hope not. But just in case you still's another short story for you to think about.

     "A young man has a valet job at a five star restaurant. He was good at parking cars. He is respectful to the customers and very careful with the cars. He likes his job but parking cars is not his goal in life. He has a dream to eventually run his own car detailing company. The only problem is that starting your own business requires money; money he doesn't have right now. And since the bank wouldn't approve his small business loan application, he had to go another route to get the money.
      That is why he started cleaning the cars of the regular customers of the restaurant. He made sure the cars were clean and smelled good. He made sure that they were finished by the time the customers were finished eating. All of the hard work he put into cleaning the cars was with the hope that the customers would notice the cleanliness and tip extra in appreciation. He enjoyed his job and took pride in everything he did. The young man just wanted others to appreciate his work as well.
     You see, life is about rolling with the punches and being able to adjust to any situation. Only he could turn the negative into a positive. Only he could take advantage of the opportunity put in front of him. Only he could accept the extraordinary things given to him."

I, you, us, we...all are given the extraordinary thoughts, visions and knowledge that God wanted us to have in order to survive. I, you, us, we...all have the hope needed for a better position in life, family and or career. We make our own decisions. We choose what road we are going to follow in order to be happy and successful! And you don't have to do anything illegal to achieve these goals!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The HUSTLE Series: Part I

Hustle by definition: is to obtain by energetic activity; to sell or promote energetically and aggressively. I don't know about you but this definition provided by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is not the meaning of hustle that I know. The meaning of hustle in the street-the real world is to sell or take something illegally.

When people hear or think of the word hustle, they associate the word with something illegal or associate it with a "street thug" dealing drugs, bootlegging or stealing. But have you ever tried to think of the word hustle in a positive and constructive manner? I mean, a person's hustle can be a legal and legitimate activity? Picture the word hustle:

You are probably wondering how the word hustle can be positive? Well, here's a little story for you to help explain.

     "A young man works 6 days a week, for fifteen years of his life as a mechanic. After, fifteen years of dedication and hard work, he lost his job. He has a wife and two kids. The light bill is already past due, the mortgage payment is due and food is low. He's been looking for work but no one is hiring right now. all of these bills, four mouths to feed and no way to satisfy either is enough to drive someone crazy! So crazy in fact, that getting involved in prostitution and selling drugs sounds like a quick, easy money and a solution to his problem. But it's not a good, smart or feasible solution. the severity of the consequences outweigh the temporary benefits.
     So, the mechanic started brainstorming and decided to turn his garage into a car repair shop. Good idea but it's not a money maker overnight, especially if there are no cars that need fixing or people that can't afford the repairs. After a lot of thought, the mechanic came up with an unthinkable plan...teach car repair! With trade schools being so expensive, why not start his own trade school for those who want to learn to fix cars?
      The mechanic knew a guy with a junkyard. This would supply the broke-down cars and the spare parts that would be needed. in the process of teaching, cars would get repaired and then sold. The profits would be split between the mechanic and the junkyard owner. you see, Survival helped the mechanic come up with the idea for the trade school, Hope helped him to keep his faith in God and the friend with the junkyard was a Terrific resource!"

Still think hustle is a negative word and a way of life? Keep a look out for more of the hustle series. You'll be surprised at what you will learn and come to appreciate!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

STRUGGLE: What It Means To Me - 2

When we were kids, all we wanted to do is play. When we became teenagers, all we wanted to do is grow up and have our parents leave us alone. When we became adults, we wished we were kids again because we were tired of struggling to survive. Since we can't go back in time, we can only learn from our journeys and work towards a better future. Struggle means: strength, tranquility, resilience, uniqueness, goals, generosity, love and eternity. But that is only half of what struggle means to me. My other meaning of struggle is below:

In order to make it in this world everyone has to sacrifice something. Whether it's a pair of shoes, an outfit or just a night out. The money spent on gas and these items can be put towards your education or your "nest egg" for when you retire. We go through changes as we grow older and go through life. We all go from a kid to an adult (ie. Boys 2 Men).

Making sacrifices and transforming ourselves allows us time to rise above hatred, jealousy and to overcome obstacles in order to climb to the top (without stepping on those that helped you get to your destination). See, every part of life is about decisions and choices we must make. During this time of decision making is the time/period of uncertainty. Everybody goes through many points of their life where they just aren't sure of what to say, do, act or feel. Know that this is okay. If we knew everything we wanted and how to get it, there wouldn't be a struggle!

Our life's lessons teaches us how to accept regret, learn forgiveness and allows us to grow into the person we are supposed to be. As we grow mentally, physically and emotionally, we'll gain the respect, trust, honor, love, success and wealth that we deserve. Fulfillment, enjoyment, good company and laughter are all a part of what we struggle to have in life. It's because of our experiences that we have our adventures and journeys of life!

Up, down, backwards, forwards and sideways are the various ways we must travel down the road of life. It is because of the different parts of a struggle that I am the man...the person that I am today. I know there are more to come but each step I take helps me through each struggle, easier and faster!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

STRUGGLE: What It Means To Me

When one struggles, they are strenuously engaged with a problem or task that is difficult to overcome. Struggles are a part of life. Everyone has their ups and downs. Some struggle more and longer than others but with the hope that the problem gets solved or at least a little easier. Below is what struggle means to me:


Struggle is the ability to be strong, take all of the blows thrown at you, continuing to get back up and smile. It's the ability to find peace amongst yourself and each other as a people, a family and as a race. Being yourself and not succumbing to what others want you to be is a struggle within itself. You see, struggles are not just associated with the outside world but with your inner being.

That is where your dreams come in. Without dreams there can be no ambitions and no goals to look forward to and fight for. Your unconditional love and generosity is the foundation that will hold you up. It's because of not expecting anything in return that the strong foundation is able to be built. Without strength, tranquility, resilience, uniqueness, goals, generosity and love your inner and outer struggles will continue for an eternity.
The way to end the struggle is to build that foundation of love and generosity. You have to have hope and continue to dream in order to have something to look forward to.

Remember to be yourself because being fake is a lie. Lying to yourself and to others will only make the struggle harder. Stay strong!!! Nothing worth having is easy to obtain. I am currently rolling with the punches and climbing each rung of the ladder a step at a time. Taking my time and being patient is very essential because I don't want to be remembered for just the struggles I had to overcome but for the fact that I did what it took to overcome them!!!!