When we were kids, all we wanted to do is play. When we became teenagers, all we wanted to do is grow up and have our parents leave us alone. When we became adults, we wished we were kids again because we were tired of struggling to survive. Since we can't go back in time, we can only learn from our journeys and work towards a better future. Struggle means: strength, tranquility, resilience, uniqueness, goals, generosity, love and eternity. But that is only half of what struggle means to me. My other meaning of struggle is below:
In order to make it in this world everyone has to sacrifice something. Whether it's a pair of shoes, an outfit or just a night out. The money spent on gas and these items can be put towards your education or your "nest egg" for when you retire. We go through changes as we grow older and go through life. We all go from a kid to an adult (ie. Boys 2 Men).
Making sacrifices and transforming ourselves allows us time to rise above hatred, jealousy and to overcome obstacles in order to climb to the top (without stepping on those that helped you get to your destination). See, every part of life is about decisions and choices we must make. During this time of decision making is the time/period of uncertainty. Everybody goes through many points of their life where they just aren't sure of what to say, do, act or feel. Know that this is okay. If we knew everything we wanted and how to get it, there wouldn't be a struggle!
Our life's lessons teaches us how to accept regret, learn forgiveness and allows us to grow into the person we are supposed to be. As we grow mentally, physically and emotionally, we'll gain the respect, trust, honor, love, success and wealth that we deserve. Fulfillment, enjoyment, good company and laughter are all a part of what we struggle to have in life. It's because of our experiences that we have our adventures and journeys of life!
Up, down, backwards, forwards and sideways are the various ways we must travel down the road of life. It is because of the different parts of a struggle that I am the man...the person that I am today. I know there are more to come but each step I take helps me through each struggle, easier and faster!!
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