Sunday, May 22, 2011


Motivation Is...
Making sure my family has a place to live, clothes on their backs and
food in their stomachs!

Motivation Is...
                     The ambition you need in order to go for what you want out of life!

Motivation Is...
                     The insight it takes to achieve your goals!

Motivation Is...
The knocking down of obstacles no matter how many are in the way because
your objective is Not failure!

Motivation Is...
Money for you and the people around you so no one will starve or suffer!

Motivation Is...
What inspires you to win at the game of life so one day you can say "Victory"!

Motivation Is...
Being kind and thoughtful to others with the hope it will encourage them to
want to do better in life and achieve their goals!

Motivation Is...
                  Something we all need to survive!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Orange or Blue...?
Beer or Wine...?
Bacon or Sausage...?
Get-up early or Sleep-in...?
Which one should I choose...????

Life is all about choices.
You'll make some good ones and some bad ones.
When it's all said and done and at the end of the day, it's all about the experience.

"One day, a young man decided to follow his dreams. He received a lot of advice. Some people were for him following his dreams and there were those that were against him. He didn't let the opinions of others stop him. He stood by his decisions and what he believed in. He was determined to do what made him happy. He knew he would make some mistakes along the way and he was okay with that. See, he knew that the lessons he would learn from his mistakes would help him to attain the success he was seeking."

So, whether you want to be an athlete, a movie star, actor/actress or something as crazy as working as an adult film star...remember it's your life, be true to yourself and it's your choice and nobody else's. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


Motivation Is...

     ...making sure my family is taken care of.
     ...the wanting and needing to find ways to buy homes, cars and clothes.
     ...having the ambition you need in order to go for what you want out of life.

Motivation Is...

     ...having the insight of what it takes to achieve your goals.
     ...the ability to knock down walls and remove obstacles, no matter how many are in your way;
        because your objective is not failure.
     ...having the money for you and the people around you so no one has to starve or suffer.

Motivation Is...

     ...whatever inspires you to win at the game of life, so one day you can say "Victory".
     ...being thoughtful and kind to others; it'll encourage them to do better in life, achieve their goals and
        become successful.
     ...something we all need.

What does "motivation" mean to you?
     What "motivates" you?